Hades? Whiteboard? What?

Wow- it feels like a million years since I last posted. School has been taking up most of my time lately. But that is my topic tonight. In English we are doing mythology projects, where a group of 3-4 draws a life size god/goddess who we drew randomly from a stack. My group got Hades. I just wanted to say that contrary to popular belief, Hades is NOT the god of death, that is Thanatos, who, in the Iliad, is also the bearer of dreams with his brother Hypnos. Just thought I would put that out there. Pictures of the finished poster to follow! I also wanted to say to any of my small pool of listeners who may be having family troubles–I have found that talking with them about how their behavior affects you and writing inspirational poetry on their white board is incredibly helpful. Love always to the one who gives me grief and joy simultaneously! I know you won’t ever read this, but hey, it’s the thought that counts. And to everyone else who has been super supportive for me, not just now, but always, thanks.
That’s all.

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